Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 1 Post-Op - March 12

Pain was back to about a 3/10 and went down throughout the day for the most part, with maybe a brief spike at 4/10. I even called in for a work meeting where I wanted to hear what was going on but told them I'd be on mute and wouldn't be able to talk. I spent the day watching Netflix and Food Network, jealous of all the delicious things on the screen that I wouldn't be able to eat for weeks.

I got through the rest of the bottle of Gatorade and the banana smoothie during the day, and for dinner I had a vegan chocolate shake I picked up. That was enough for me that day. I took 2 Tylenol before bed and that was it.  My 1:30 and 3:30 alarms didn't sound (stupid buggy iPhone), but I ended up waking up around 4:15 having to use the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised that my throat was still hydrated and not in pain. I figured that from now on I can drop it to 1 middle-of-the-night alarm after about 4 hours to force a few sips of water, unless there's "breakthrough" pain I need to manage.

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